Mental Wellbeing

Your mental wellbeing is incredibly important to us, and to support that we have a fantastic team of mental health nurses working alongside the GPs in the practice to provide that care.

If you would like to speak to someone about your mental health, please call the practice and ask for an initial telephone call with a GP to discuss how best to help you. Other organisations offering a variety of mental health support can be found in this online searchable guide to services in Edinburgh called iThrive.

Over time there can be lots of different things that can affect our mental health. To help you understand what might be happening to you click on the appropriate link below for some more information.

Understanding anxiety:

Understanding depression:

If you’re struggling with your mental health, there are some self help tools listed below for you to try.

If you are in crisis and need to speak to someone the list below details organisations who you can contact by telephone or online for help. There’s always help available by calling 111 too.

If you’ve experienced trauma the document linked below may help you to understand what you are feeling.

During COVID our senior mental health nurse Kat Paterson put together some short videos with some basic tools to help you manage your mental health which are still relevant now.

Update from Kat Paterson, November 2020
STOPP technique
Square breathing and “54321”
“It will pass” and “Fact or Opinion”
Feel the Fizz