At Craigmillar Medical Group we have a Community Link Worker called Dawn. A link worker is a non-medical person who will work with you over the course of around 6 sessions to identify what social supports you may benefit from. The link worker may even accompany you to community resources if you are unsure.
Things the link worker can advise on (not an exhaustive list):
- Adult education
- Benefits
- Bereavement
- Confidence building
- Dementia
- Domestic abuse
- Employability
- Family support
- Financial difficulties
- Housing issues
- Learning difficulties/disability
- Long term conditions
- Low/moderate mental health issues
- Social isolation/loneliness
- Unpaid carer/young carer
- Weight management
- Veterans
- Volunteering
If you think that seeing Dawn would be helpful for you, please call and book in with GP to be referred to the Community Link Worker. The care co-ordinator may ask a few questions to get a little more information.