If you need to contact a midwife urgently telephone the Admissions Unit, Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health, New Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh on 0131 242 2657.
When you discover you are pregnant, please simply call the booking appointment telephone number 0131 242 9999 to schedule your first appointment with the midwife which will normally be between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy.
You’ll have your weight, height and blood pressure measured at each appointment as well as be asked to provide a urine sample for testing.
Termination of pregnancy
Should you be considering not proceeding with the pregnancy, you can self-refer for a termination of pregnancy by calling …… Monday – Friday 9am-2pm.
Antenatal classes
Antenatal classes (parent education classes) help you prepare for being a parent and give you the chance to meet other mums and partners. They’re a great opportunity for dads and partners to get involved too.