Screening questions:
Please read the questions below before you travel to the practice for any reason.
If you answer YES to any questions and you have an appointment booked, you must LET US KNOW by phone in advance and we will try our best to reschedule your appointment.
Do you have any of the following:
– High temperature or fever?
– New cough?
– Loss or change to taste or smell?
– Sore throat?
– Sneezing, runny nose or blocked nose?
– Have you or anyone in your household had a positive test for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
– Are you or anyone in your household waiting for a COVID-19 PCR test result?
– In the last 10 days have you had contact with someone with a positive COVID test?
– Have you travelled in the last 10 days to a country on the Government red list?
COVID Vaccination:
Everyone over the age of 12 is now entitled to have the vaccine.
There are drop in clinics for COVID vaccination across the city and a vaccination bus in different venues 7 days a week. Check here for up to date details.
Children 5-11 years old will receive an invitation for their vaccination by post. Drop ins not available for this age group.
If you have questions about COVID vaccination you can call the COVID-19 Vaccination Helpline on 0800 030 8013, or go to NHS Inform.
Vaccination certificates
Please do not call the practice to obtain your certificate. Go online here or call 0808 1968565.
This is the page to find all the latest information and up-to-date guidance on everything COVID-19.
COVID-19 disease
COVID-19 is the name given to a coronavirus first identified in 2019 which causes a variety of symptoms, the most common of these are dry persistent cough, breathlessness, fever and/or loss of sense of taste or smell. Like most viral illnesses the majority of people who catch the disease recover but for those who are elderly or have other illnesses or weakened immune systems it can be more dangerous. People can transmit the virus even if they don’t have any symptoms which has made stopping the virus very difficult.
To protect people and the NHS, the Government put in place measures to try and prevent the spread of COVID-19 which include social distancing, wearing face masks, avoiding crowded places and self-isolation for anyone with symptoms. More detailed information can be found on the NHS Inform website.
If you are concerned about symptoms of COVID please call 111, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can arrange to have a test done locally by contacting NHS Inform.
Up-to-date information about rates of COVID-19 locally can be found at this website:
COVID Vaccination “Passport”
A record of your COVID vaccination is available to download from NHS Inform. Please only request this information if you are planning to travel within the next 21 days. This is not to be used as a proof of identity. It can also be requested by phoning 0808 196 8565 if you cannot process the request online.
Please do not call the practice to request this information.