What to do when we are closed

Out of Hours Emergencies

Please call NHS24 –  111

  • This service is for emergencies
  • It should not be used instead of a day time appointment
  • All calls are monitored and will be reviewed by our Doctors
  • Remember the Out of Hours Service is for urgent problems only. Please do not contact the service for a second opinion or for anything which can wait until the next working day.

A receptionist in the emergency call centre will answer your call and either:

  • Arrange advice from a doctor or nurse
  • Invite you to attend the centre to be seen by a doctor
  • Arrange a home visit if you are too ill to visit the centre.

In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

All telephone calls to the service are confidential and are voice recorded for medico-legal purposes.

Mental health crisis or emergency ?

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency. If you feel like you may be close to acting on suicidal thoughts or have seriously harmed yourself, you should call 999 or go to A&E directly if you need immediate help and are worried about your safety.