You may be asked if you would allow your consultation with the doctor to be videoed.
The recordings are used by qualified doctors training to be a GP for training, educational or assessment purposes. The recording is only of you and the doctor talking together. Intimate examinations will not be recorded, and the camera/recorder will be switched off on request.
All recordings are carried out according to guidelines issued by the General Medical Council and will be stored securely in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They will be deleted by 26 weeks (182 days) of the recording taking place.
You do not have to agree to your consultation with the doctor being recorded. If you do not want the consultation recorded please inform reception staff or the doctor at any time, even during the consultation. This will not affect the care you receive in any way.
If you do give your consent, then you will have the opportunity to withdraw this at any time in the future, including immediately after the consultation.
How will the recording be stored?
The recording will be uploaded to an IT platform provided by a company called FourteenFish for the Royal College of General Practitioners’ Recorded Consultation Assessment. The recordings are securely encrypted and stored on servers located in the UK and Ireland. FourteenFish use AES-256 encryption which is one of the strongest mechanisms available. All data to and from the FourteenFish system is encrypted using TLS 1.2 which prevents anyone reading or tampering with the data when it is in transit. FourteenFish is ISO 27001 certified and audited by the British Assessment Bureau on an annual basis. This means that someone impartial and outside of the organisation evaluates their security management procedures.